Funk Guitar Loops v2

Key Features
24.9 mb
152 Loops
Instant Download
WAV Format
Windows & Mac Compatible
100% Royalty Free
About This Session

A mixture of 152 clean r n b, funky blues and disco guitar loops in our 'song builder' style. Various tempos played on a very sweet vintage '57 reissue Fender Strat™ directly into Protools™

Audio Previews
Below you can hear a preview of samples available in this product. Some of these are full quality and some are lower quality mono samples, due to file size restrictions. To hear the real quality of the samples, download the free loops.
Download Some Free Loops
Find our what this pack has to offer by downloading a couple of free, full quality samples.
Full Pack Listing
File Description Format BPM Key Size
g_sf_110_01 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_02 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_03 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_04 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_05 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 753k
g_sf_110_06 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_07 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_08 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_09 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_10 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_11 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_12 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 337k
g_sf_110_13 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 190k
g_sf_110_14 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 190k
g_sf_110_15 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 190k
g_sf_110_16 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 190k
g_sf_110_17 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 96k
g_sf_110_18 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 190k
g_sf_110_19 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 190k
g_sf_110_20 clean compressed disco funky r n b rnb bright percussive WAV 110 379k
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